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Allure beauty editors once again bravely tests the latest products so we don’t have to. We should be extra grateful...

posted on: Apr 12, 2011 | author: CityGirlinRedinRedLipstick

Pretty Pastels

The beauty editors at Glamour pick this month’s newest trends. Who needs May flowers when you can pick up one –or...

Pretty Pastels
posted on: Apr 7, 2011 | author: CityGirlinRedinRedLipstick

February Pinks & Reds

February is always a good month to talk about pinks and reds. A) Duh – Valentine’s Day B) Bright colors help distract...

February Pinks & Reds
posted on: Feb 3, 2011 | author: CityGirlinRedinRedLipstick

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