Beauty Splurge: DermaMinerals Breathable Coverage Mineral Foundation Beauty 101: Shelf Life of Cosmetics Part 2
Q&A w/the Queen of Beauty: Jean Godfrey-June of Lucky Magazine

Jean Godfrey-June has come a long since her days at Elle Magazine – the Queen of Beauty carved out a successful, improbable career in the world of glamour as the world-famous beauty editor of Lucky Magazine. I recently read her acclaimed novel: Free Gift with Purchase and loved it! I’ve been a beauty junkie and a fan of Godfrey-June since I can remember. My sister Wendy and I spent our adolescence pouring over her beauty reviews and articles at Elle and are avid readers of Lucky, with the Beauty Closet being our favorite part of the magazine. I was thrilled when Jean agreed to an interview, she graciously made time to answer a few beauty questions, I couldn’t help get a little personal and as usual I was taking notes.
Anita: I am so thrilled to have this opportunity, Thank you!
Jean: You are very welcome, it’s my pleasure!
Anita: I know you’re very busy, I’m going to try to move these questions right along. I know you have various beauty products, but which beauty products did you use this morning?
Jean: Let’s see…(1) Laura Mercier Concealer(2) Bobbi Brown Extra SPF Tinted Moisturizing Balm(3)Kiehl’s Mascara– its paraben Free(4)Lancome Flash Bronzer, tinted self-tanner leg gel, I know it’s for your legs but I use it on my face, I love that stuff!
Anita: What’s the hardest part about being a beauty editor?
Jean: I attend so many events but afterwards I still have to go back and finish my work. I also hear the same information over and over, the epidermis is the first layer of skin etc….
Anita: What piece of beauty product would you most love to receive?
Jean: If I had a 100 of them I would want 101 – Brown Sugar Body Polish by Fresh. I love it! I don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t, it’s a gift anyone would love!
Anita: What is your signature look/style?
Jean: The No Makeup – Makeup Look. People always ask me why I’m not wearing makeup, (Laughs) you can look polished without wearing a lot of makeup. I spend a lot of time to look the way I do. Would you rather have people tell you – Your makeup looks pretty or you look pretty? I also like Bed-head; I didn’t comb my hair today!
Anita: (Laughing) Still?
Jean: (Laughs) Ok, well I comb it once after the shower.
Anita: How do you decide which beauty products make it into Lucky?
Jean: It’s very much like shopping. I choose products that are really new, different, creative, and innovative. The packaging and presentation are important. I also love it if the promise of the product is intriguing. We also interview a lot of people; we want a lot of feedback – tried&true. Also if the smell is amazing or if the color is really pretty.
Anita: What is your favorite restaurant in New York?
Jean: It’s a new and glamorous restaurant, which happens to be downstairs next to the office. The Lambs Club – I love their iced tea! The ice cubes are made out of ice tea, the restaurant is glamorous and very New York.
Anita: What three words best describe you?
Jean: 1) Happy – I’m always content 2) Enthusiastic – I’m just generally..Pro 3) Silly – I think that you have to go through life with a sense of humor; it makes life bearable and interesting.
Anita: Guilty Pleasures?
Jean: I love True Blood! I love Food – I’m a big eater!
Anita: Favorite shade of Red Lipstick? Or are you still searching for one?
Jean: YSL’s Gloss Volupte in Frozen Cherry – the color is so sheer and pretty it’s practically invisible.
Anita: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
Jean: I love the Howard Stern show!
Anita: I do too! Howard Stern is a big fan of the Vampire Diaries! ( I love the Vampire Diaries)
Jean: Yes, he is ( Laughing)
Anita: Which three lip balms would we find at the bottom of your handbag today?
Jean: I have 4 – 1) Quince lip butter glaze by Korres I love the new collection, it’s very colorful and pretty. 2) The New Coco Chanel Shine (It’s not out yet) 3) Perfek’s Organic Vanilla 4) YSL’s Gloss Volupte in Frozen Cherry
Anita: What are your favorite fashion magazines?
Jean: I am a fiend for magazines. I love them! I read all of them. Especially World of Interiors, I also love Vogue.
Anita: What is the last book you’ve read?
Jean: Two of them are autobiographies of Russell Brand. He’s very funny and a good writer.
Anita: Last minute pearls of wisdom?
Jean: Pat your concealer, don’t rub! When you rub you move the concealer to a different part of your face. Apply the concealer to the part that needs it and pat lightly – it will blend and conceal I promise!
Anita: I’ve enjoyed our conversation so much, thank you! I’m looking forward to all future issues of Lucky Magazine!
Jean: You’re welcome, it was my pleasure!
After the interview I went home and tested several of Lucky’s 10th anniversary special: Essential Beauty Tips. I made sure my hair was soaking wet before the shampoo and I did get an amazing lather! I also patted my concealer and it worked! My new blemish was concealed! I’m going to pour over the current issue of Lucky and make sure I don’t miss any of Jean Godfrey-June’s beauty tips!
All beauty products mentioned in this Q&A are Available:
685 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
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150 Stockton Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
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777 O’Farrell Street
San Francisco, CA 94109