Beauty Giveaway: Bye Bye Lid Lines by iT Cosmetics Tips for Summer Ready Skin with Dr. David Goldberg
Beauty News: Raising Brows – Sally Hansen

Beauty tools are an important part of grooming. This Spring Sally Hansen introduces a collection of patent pending tweezers – made from Japanese stainless steel.
The collection includes:
1.) The Perfect Arch – a Dual slanted tweezer for multiple tasks – perfect for larger areas.
2.) Little Details – A point tip tweezer for those stubborn ingrown hairs – they are great for removing splinters!
3.) Raise Some Brows – Grasps hairs firmly and securely – great hair grabbing capability.
Tweezing in the evenings is not such a chore anymore – each hair is efficiently removed without pinching the skin around the delicate eye area.
Not only are the tweezers easy to use, but the directions on the back are helpful, leave it to Sally Hansen to think of everything!
Sally Hansen is Citygirl approved!
1301 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103