Beauty Rescue: Holiday Survival

This time of year is hectic, filling our life with merriment but also more to accomplish on our to-do lists. Crowds, family, and last-minute shopping is enough to leave anyone stressed and frazzled.
We’ll show you how (in one hour or less) you can feel rejuvenated, beautiful and yes…even more merry:
- Don’t wait until the New Year to do something healthy for your body. Muster up your willpower and drop that cookie! Instead take a fifteen minute walk . If you’re feeling really ambitious, do 30 minutes of cardio…It will give you energy, fend off your sweet tooth and give your complexion a natural, healthy glow!
- Can’t fit in a trip to the spa? No problem. Give yourself a quick facial to counteract that breakout that’s erupted on your face. Clarisea Perfecting Clay Mask is a gentle, oil-fighting mask that works wonders.
- Take an hour to give yourself a home manicure in a bright, festive color . Click here for tips to help you polish those tips to perfection.
- Two words: bubble bath. Close the door, pour some lush bath product into your tub and just unwind while designating someone else to wrap the presents! L′Occitane Lavender Harvest Foaming Bath will have you feeling relaxed in no time…
- If you’re really pressed for time, grab your favorite body scrub and reenergize your skin . Afterwards, slather on a scented, luxurious lotion. I’m currently loving Philosophy’s Amazing Grace line.
- Take a short 15-30 minute power nap in the afternoon. It will help you feel more restored while helping to boost your productivity and mood!
- Otherwise find a quiet corner, turn on some soothing music, light a scented candle. Breathe…and just be still for a moment. Take the opportunity to find joy in the season and be thankful for the gifts in your life.
Are you feeling relaxed and less stressed? Fabulous…Now you are ready to conquer anything (or the mall at least)!