Jordana Glitter Rocks Retractable Eyeliner Pencil in Rock On Silver

Sometimes while trying a new beauty product, all the stars align and you are blessed by Fate.
I was recently at Walgreens on my lunch hour, hurriedly picking out my Halloween makeup. I was looking, without success, for silver eyeliner. Not white. Not gray. Silver. Glittery, sparkly, and oh-so-pretty silver. Because we all know that bunnies wear silver eyeliner, right? How could I possibly go out in public dressed as a bunny and not have silver eyeliner? Preposterous!
My dithering eventually caught the eye of a Walgreens employee. I explained my dilemma, and she solemnly agreed with me that yes, silver eyeliner was essential to my bunny costume.
We both searched, and I was about to give up when she reached into a jumble of what I mistook for lip liner and withdrew – cue angels singing – silver eyeliner!
Jordana Glitter Rocks Retractable Eyeliner Pencil in Rock On Silver, to be precise. And at $2.99, quite the bargain.
This eyeliner was not only perfect for Halloween, I plan on using it on non-bunny evenings as well. A beautiful, sparkly silver can add a pop of glamour, making your eyes appear larger and more luminous.
Plus, the Jordana eyeliner stayed put. Be sure to completely finish one eye before starting on the other, because there is no going back. It dries quickly and is as unmovable as shellac.
I finished my look with two coats of black mascara, and voila! Gorgeous and striking, this silver eyeliner is perfect for women of all eye color-and for bunnies, of course.