One Body Butter

One Body Butter in You Wild Coconut, You is possibly one of my favorite body lotion scents of all time.
Just open the lid and you will be awash with summer memories as the coconut scent permeates all your senses. While some may not like the sunscreen-esque scent, just a whiff makes me happy and remember the good old days when all I did in the summer was coat myself in Banana Boat SPF 4 and soak up those rays. Ah, ignorance was bliss, folks.
The lotion itself is thick and luxurious, and you only need a little bit to cover large areas. Afterwards your skin is soft and silky and even softened the rough spots on my heels and elbows. And once on, the scent is pleasant, not overwhelming.
I also love that it’s so easy to get out of the packaging – no pounding on the bottom or frantic pumping. (Yes I just heard how weird that sounded.)
Anyway, not only is it scrumptious, it’s 96.9% natural and “cruelty-free. And it’s a bargain. For all you gals who may not love the coconut quite as much as I do, they are other scents available. (Cherry Blossom Trails and Citrus Peel)
Available at drugstores.