Spring Fever with the Queen of Beauty- Jean Godfrey-June of Lucky Magazine

My favorite section of Lucky Magazine is the “Beauty Closet” with Jean Godfrey-June. I love the stories behind Jean’s picks, feasting on the words that describe the beauty products of the moment. I have an on going list of beauty products to buy, most on Jean’s recommendations and ladies, the Queen of Beauty herself is sharing with us several of this springs beauty musts.
Anita: What are some of the big trends to look out for this Spring/Summer?
Jean: I love coral lips and cheeks, kelly/forest manicures, bold black eyeliner with an otherwise natural face.
Anita: Do you have a favorite shade of coral/orange lipstick/balm this season?
Jean: YSL Gloss Volupte in Coral and Korres Lip Butter Glaze in Guava.
Anita: If a Person was stuck in a beauty rut, what Spring/Summer trend would you recommend?
Jean: (Laughs) All of the above
Anita: Are there any particular beauty products you’re excited about this season?
Jean: Lots of them! There’s so much bold color in makeup and fashion–it’s a fun time.
Anita: Are you and your family planning an exotic vacation this summer, if so what beauty essentials will make it in your travel bag?
Jean: We’re going to Parrot Cay in the Turks & Caicos this Spring break and I cannot wait. I will be bringing: Lancome Flash Bronzer for legs, used all over, including face, Yes to Carrots Sunscreen Body Lotion SPF 30, Josie Maran Argan Oil Sunscreen SPF 40 for face, Burt’s Bees new tinted lip balm, YSL Gloss Volupte (all colors!), Kiehl’s mascara, Bobbi Brown Tinted Lip Balm SPF 25, and Laura Mercier concealer.
Anita: One of my favorite questions – favorite skincare?
Jean: Tazorac, Intelligent Nutrients face serum (it’s an oil, best ever), Nude Jasmine Oil Cleanser, Yes to Carrots sunscreen of all sorts and everything Prevage.
Anita: Any fragrance addictions this season?
Jean: Hmmm – Tom Ford Neroli Portofino, Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine.
Anita: Sounds intoxicating! Thank you Jean, as always it’s a pleasure!
One of the many reasons why I love Lucky Magazine is because I want to see which beauty products made the cut and most importantly continue adding to my beauty stock list – now if only I can stop thinking about Prevage and forest green manicures.
Looking for up to the minute beauty trends? Follow Jean on Twitter @JeanGodfreyJune