Shaving VS Depilatories: The Summer Hair Removal Debate

I used a depilatory once in my life, and that was when I was 12 years old and my mother refused to let me shave. For the sake of that brand I will not say the name, but my god was that a terrible experience. Forget the actual brand’s name, it might as well have just been called ‘rash-in-a-bottle.’ As I sat with cool towels on my legs on the edge of the bathtub, I cursed my mother for not letting me just have a razor. Needless to say, from that day on I was pretty skeptical of hair removers. Trying to be brave, and in the name of beauty research, I decided to face my fear and try a depilatory for a second time.
This time I used Veet. Having always been curious about that little fake razor tool, I thought this would be the best one to try. I started smearing the gel cream onto my legs expecting to gag from the horrible smell of rotten eggs that I remember from my first experience. To my surprise, the cream didn’t smell bad at all, but instead it smelled like the roses the package promised. The burning and itching didn’t happen either, nor did the rash. I was shockingly pleased by the results as well, so pleased in fact that I decided to try out the hair remover on my arms as well. This is where the magic really happened. Although my arms were not overly hairy, they definitely had their fair share of fuzz and in less than 5 minutes it was all completely gone.
It is now almost 5 days later and although my legs are a little bit prickly at this point, they are definitely much smoother than they would be had I just shaved. And my arms are literally still as soft as a baby’s bottom. Thanks to the essential oils in Veet Fast Gel Cream my skin is much more moisturized as well.
The bottom line: If you are debating about what type of hair removal method to try this summer I would definitely give Veet Fast Acting Gel Cream a try, especially for arms. Since the application and waiting time took a little bit more time than regular shaving would and the results were pretty similar, I would stick to a regular razor for your legs and bikini, a great one to try out this summer is the Schick Quatro for Women TrimStyle with new conditioning strip featuring acai berry and joboa complex. I would however recommend trying out Veet to get your arms smooth and silky before slipping on a sundress.
What hair removal method will you be using to keep yourself bikini-ready this summer?