Shiny Gels with Youngblood Cosmetics

It’s no secret that European fashion magazines are avant-garde and not just with regards to fashion, but with cutting edge trends in skincare, services and cosmetics. They are the first to identify trends and a New Spring Trend seen all over the fashion magazines, runway and behind the scenes is the use of shine.
Adding a touch of shiny gel to our lips, cheeks and lids is easier than you think. If you don’t feel like investing why not try a dab of Vaseline as a finishing touch to your eyes, lips or cheeks and if trends are your thing you may want to visit Youngblood Cosmetics.
Recently Youngblood Cosmetics launched The Mighty Shiny Lip Gel, a lightly scented vanilla treat that delivers sheer color with a high dose of shine.
Lips are drenched in total hydration, saturated with gorgeous color and defined with shine for sultry summer lips.
Youngblood Cosmetics is the brain child of Pauline Youngblood, a pioneer in the world of beauty for being one of the first to formulate a makeup collection for problematic skin that enhances and helps heal the skin.
Mighty Shiny Lip Gel is available in 7 luscious shades that remind us of peaches, grapes, oranges and summer berries.
This is one Citygirl with a dose of shine!