Beauty Secrets From Around The World – Nuvo Visage

Being a beauty junkie I’ve always been curious about beauty, especially beauty secrets used by women from around the world. For example did you know that women in the Middle East mist their skin with Rose Water or that women in Colombia place their faces in bowels of crushed ice?
Putting our faces in crushed ice may seem extreme, but not if the results are naturally glowing skin. What if we told you that you can achieve the same benefits and then some with the New Nuvo Visage mask?
Nuvo Visage is a gel mask that can be applied hot or cold, the therapeutic benefits are endless. When used as a cold therapy mask the puffiness or swelling often associated with lasers, surgery or facial injections becomes minimal, healing time is almost cut in half and the cold compress is perfect for after peels, skin resurfacing and menopause.
On a personal side I am an exfoliant junkie, and my obsession with skin resurfacing doesn’t help. I admit there are times when my skin is dull, dehydrated and lack-luster. How do I get my skin back on track? I apply healing serums and heavy duty night-time moisturizers, I lay on my bed with the Nuvo Visage mask and my results are immediate healthier skin.
Nuvo Visage Gel Mask when applied hot over your favorite night-time treatments helps the skin absorb the precious nutrients by opening up our pores, another perk? The warm mask helps us relax after a workout, stressful day at the office and offers comfort while we wait for our medication to take effect or allergies to subside.
This is one beauty secret everyone should know about, the perfect beauty tool for men and women alike.